Die Radiogewinner beim Prix Europa 2017

Prix Europa 2017 „Best European Radio Drama“

Prix Europa 2017 Best European Radio Fiction of the Year_Wederik De Backer ©Christian Schulz.

Wederik De Backer. Bild: Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

Almanak (Almanach)

Autor: Wederik De Backer
Regie: Wederik De Backer
Sound: Wederik De Backer
Redaktion: Wederik De Backer
Producer: Wederik De Backer
Einreicher: De Zieke Steur (Belgien)


Die Begründung der Jury:

The best radio fiction creates great characters. We recognise them from our own lives, but they can still surprise us. The jury praised this radio fiction as a heart-warming and hilarious portrait of a working class community, and commended the production for its attention to sound.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

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Autor: James Fritz
Regie: Becky Ripley
Sound: Iain Hunter
Redaktion: Jeremy Howe
Producer: James Cook
Einreicher: BBC Radio Drama Wales (UK)

Platz 3 bis 5:

Kevin Brew, Ellie Kisombe: Flight Risk, Raidió Teilifís Éireann – RTÉ (Ireland)
M.H. Hallum: Solveigs 2. Sang, Norsk rikskringkasting – NRK (Norway)
Andreas Ammer FM Einheit: Sie sprechen mit der Stasi, Westdeutscher Rundfunk – WDR (Germany)

Prix Europa 2017 „Best European Radio Fiction Series or Serial“

Prix Europa 2017 Best European Radio Fiction Series or Serial of the Year_Benjamin Abitan ©Christian Schulz.

Benjamin Abitan. Bild: Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

La Préhistoire du future (2. Staffel)

Autor: Benjamin Abitan
Regie: Benjamin Abitan
Sound: Bruno Mourlan, Benoit Faivre
Redaktion: Céline Geoffroy
Producer: Blandine Masson
Einreicher: France Culture (France)

Die Begründung der Jury:

The best radio fiction allows us to travel in time and space. In this series we travel to an alternative future. With superb wit and style this intelligent comedy delivers a serious message about how our love of new ideas can transform or even destroy the future.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

De Guerre en Fils

Autor: François Pérache, Sabien Zovighian
Regie: Sabine Zovighian, Samuel Hirsch
Sound: Samuel Hirsch
Redaktion: Sivlvain Gire
Producer: Silvain Gire
Einreicher: arteradio.com (France)

Plätze 3 bis 5:

Jón Atli Jónasson: Lifun (Imagine Murder), Ríkisútvarpið – RÚV (Iceland)
Matthew Broughton: Tracks, BBC Wales (UK)
Jan Georg Schütte, Wolfgang Seesko: Paartherapeut Klaus Kranitz – Bei Trennung Geld zurück, Radio Bremen (RB) (Germany)

Prix Europa 2017 „Best European Radio Documentary“:

rix Europa 2017 Best European Radio Documentary of the Year_Christian Lerch ©Christian Schulz.

Christian Lerch. Bild: Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

‚Papa wir sind in Syrien‘ – Joachim Gerhards Suche nach verlorenen Söhnen und heiligen Kriegern

Autor: Christian Lerch
Regie: Christian Lerch
Sound: Bodo Pasternak, Bettina Mikulla
Redaktion: Gabriela Hermer
Producer: Blandine Masson
Einreicher: RBB/WDR (Germany)

Die Begründung der Jury:

A story of our time. A young man grows up and forges a life he could only have dreamed of. Years later, he has two sons with whom he can provide a seemingly perfect childhood. But something goes wrong when an irreversible life changing decision is made. Drawn into a spiral of desperation, this father finds himself on an epic mission to bring his sons home from the most dangerous place on earth. A thrilling 21st century tale told through a treasure trove of audio messages, this documentary takes the listener inside the nucleus of a personal family tragedy set in the defining story of our generation.


Lobende Erwähnungen an:

Rystelsen (Das Zittern)

Autor: Rebecca Bach-Lauritsen, Peter Albrechtsen
Regie: Rebecca Bach-Lauritsen
Sound: Peter Albrechtsen
Redaktion: Hanne baslund, Rasmus Bjerre
Einreicher: Danmarks Radio – DR (Danmark)


Autor: Cathy FitzGerald
Regie: Cathy FitzGerald
Sound: Cathy FitzGerald; Joe Acheson (Original music)
Producer: Cathy FitzGerald
Einreicher: White Stiletto Productions (UK)

Plätze 4 bis 10:

Elodie Font: Coming In, ARTE Radio (France)
Sindre Leganger: Siste Akt (Der letzte Akt), Norsk rikskringkasting – NRK (Norway)
Tereza Reková: Matěj, Český rozhlas (Czech Republic))
Jason Murphy, Tim Desmond: No Time to loose, Raidió Teilifís Éireann – RTÉ (Ireland)
Tuula Rjavaara: Olen Jossain (Ich bin irgendwo), YLE (Finland)
Eleanor McDowall: The Enemy Within, Falling Tree Productions (UK)
Sara Kolster, Laura Stek: Toen ik vijf wa – een radiodocumentaire over jong verlies (Als ich fünf war) , VPRO (The Netherlands)

Prix Europa 2017 „Best European Radio Music Programme“:

Prix Europa 2017 Best European Radio Music Programme of the Year_Jonas Guelstoff ©Christian Schulz.

Jonas Guelstoff ©Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

Sangskriver – Gæst Nanna Øland Fabricius (Oh Land)

Autor: Jonas Gülstorff
Regie: Jonas Gülstorff
Redaktion: Jonas Gülstorff
Producer: Jonas Gülstorff
Einreicher: Danmarks Radio – DR (Denmark)

Die Begründung der Jury:

The jury for Radio Music had the pleasure to listen to a great variety of productions, from wonderfully made music features to exciting new formats. The focus was very often on the people making the music. The production the jury was most enthusiastic about presents musicians in various roles: as a host, as a guest, the life and work of musicians as the main topic and – above all – the process of creation of music. The audience of this wonderful production is able to witness the process of making art, live on the radio, and in best case it is also directly involved.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

The Listening Service

Autor: Tom Service
Regie: Alan Davey
Redaktion: Edwina Wolstencroft
Producer: Elizabeth Funning
Einreicher: BBC Radio 3 (United Kingdom)

Plätze 3 bis 5:

Richard Söderberg: The Opera House in P2, Sveriges Radio – SR (Sweden)
Jens Cornelius: Hej P2, Danmarks Radio – DR (Denmark)
Alan Hall: Twenty-Three, Falling Tree Productions (UK)


Prix Europa 2017 „Best European Digital Audio“:

Prix Europa 2017 for the Best European Digital Audio of the Year_Rhian Roberts. ©Christian Schulz

Rhian Roberts. Bild: Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

The Archers: The Trial of Helen Titchener

Autor: Paula McDonnell
Regie: Sean O’Connor
Redaktion: Rhian Roberts
Producer: Paula McDonnell
Einreicher: BBC (United Kingdom)

Die Begründung der Jury:

How do you connect the world’s oldest radio soap opera with a new generation of listeners? The answer provided by the winner of this year’s Digital Audio award is to combine a gripping storyline with new approaches to syndicating compelling audio highlights on digital and online platforms. The storyline involved emotional abuse within a marriage, culminating in a stabbing, and a wife’s trial for the attempted murder of her husband. The digital and online elements – designed to bring the story to a younger audience in particular – included striking visual imagery by a well-known courtroom artist, and a powerful social media campaign which invited listeners and celebrities to share photos and messages in support of both the fictional and real-life victims of emotional abuse.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

Een luisterend oor (Ein hörendes Ohr)

Autor: Laura Stek
Regie: Laura Stek
Redaktion: Anton de Goede
Producer: Randy Vermeulen
Einreicher: NPO and produced by VPRO (The Netherlands)

Plätze 3 bis 5:

Creativ HUB of Czech Radio for Radio Wave: Zhasni! (Licht aus!), Český rozhlas (Czech Republic)
Thomas Bjerregaard: Dobbeltmordet EP#2: Røde Tulipaner (Der Doppelmord EP#2 Rote Tulpen), Danmarks Radio –DR (Denmark)
Elli Salo: Huono Ystäva (Schlechter Freund), YLE (Finland)


Prix Europa 2017 „Best European Radio Investigation“:

Prix Europa 2017 Best European Radio Investigation of the Year_Daniel Oehman Daniel Velasco ©Christian Schulz.

Daniel Oehman Daniel Velasco. Bild: Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

KGB-agenten och oljesmugglingen (KGB-Agenten und Ölschmuggler)

Autor: Daniel Velasco, Daniel Öhman, Per Shapiro
Regie: Daniel Velasco
Redaktion: Lisa Hegesson
Producer: Daniel Velasco, Daniel Öhman
Einreicher: Sveriges Radio – SR (Sweden)

Die Begründung der Jury:

This programme achieved the rare feat of both being a brilliant investigation and of being compelling radio. The team discovered a story of major international consequence and told in a gripping way, built around the literally life-or-death choice facing a single individual. They managed to weave together three separate storylines with great elegance and to dramatise a story which is notoriously hard to report, i.e. corruption in Belarus. The programme achieved dramatic results with the Swedish government stripping a top oil executive of his honorary diplomatic position on the day of broadcast.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

Fallet Kaj Linna (Der Falla Linna – Gerechtigkeit nach 13 Jahren im Gefängnis)

Autor: Anton Berg, Martin Johnson
Regie: Anton Berg, Martin Johnson
Redaktion: Acast
Producer: Anton Berg, Martin Johnson
Einreicher: Acast A-one production, Ludbang (Sweden)

Plätze 3 bis 5:

Marc Thörner: Halmazag. Oder Krieg Made in Germany, SWR (Germany)
Charly Kolwalcz: Plötzlich wuchsen Schorsch Brüste – Medikamententests an Männern mit geistiger Behinderung, DLF (Germany)
Marian Byrne, Neal Razzell: Intrigue: Murder in the Lucky Holiday Hotel, BBC (UK)

Prix Europa 2017 Die Gewinner. Bild: Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

Prix Europa 2017. Alle Gewinner in Radio, TV und Online. Bild: Christian Schulz / Prix Europa.

Einen Rückblick gibt es am 18. November im Deutschlandunk (DLF) im Anschluss an das Hörspiel „Broken German“ von Noam Brusilovsky:

Von herzlosen  Charakteren, seelenlosen Schreibhandwerkern und einem toten Großvater.

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