Die Radiogewinner beim Prix Europa 2016

Am Samstag, den 5.11.16 läuft im Anschluss an das Hörspiel des Monats  „Lila und Fred“ und des Hörspielmagazins meine 20-minütige Prix-Europa-Sendung: „Drei Komapatienten und eine Freiheitsberaubung“ im Deutschlandfunk (DLF). Audiolink gibts  hier auf der Seite (runterscrollen, leider nur als Flash-Audio, ist halt der DLF).

Prix Europa 2016 „Best European Radio Drama“:

Prix Europa 2016 Winner Radio Fiction Andres Noormets Photo: David von Becker

Andres Noormets, Bild: David von Becker.

Asjar (Dinge)

Autor: Andres Noormets
Regie: Andres Noormets
Sound: Külli Tüli
Redaktion: Pille-Riin Purje
Producer: Tiina Vilu
Einreicher: Estonian Public Broadcasting– ERR

Die Begründung der Jury:

We can use Radio Fiction to ask the question ‘what if?’ to think about new ways of living, in an alternative society. This superb radio fiction invites us into the laboratory, to re-invent the human condition. A man decides to get rid of everything he owns. We hear the excitement in his voice as he gets rid of his washing machine, his furniture, his phone, his job, even his former self. With an exquisite text, note-perfect performances, and a crystal-clear soundscape this drama allows us to escape – even for a little while – from the pressure of materialism. The winner of the PRIX EUROPA for the “Best European Radio Fiction of the Year” is … Things submitted by Eesti Rahvusringhääling – ERR, Estonia.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln / Schweiz

Autor: Judith Schalansky
Regie: Thom Luz
Sound: Tom Willen
Redaktion: Reto Ott
Producer: Anina Barandun
Einreicher: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen – SRF /SRG SSR

Prix Europa 2016 „Best European Radio Fiction Series or Serial“:

Prix Europa 2016 Winner Radio Fiction Series Florent Barat and Sebastien Schmitz. Photo: David von Becker

Florent Barat and Sebastien Schmitz, Bild: David von Becker.

Beaux Jeunes Monstres (Junge, schöne Monster)

Autor: Florent Barat
Regie: Florent Barat, Sébastien Schmitz
Sound: Sébastien Schmitz
Producer: Le Collectif Wow!
Co-produced by: FACR, RTBF, SACD-Belgique, Beaumarchais-SACD
Einreicher: Atelier de Création Sonore Radiophonique – ACSR

Die Begründung der Jury:

The best radio fiction allows us to visit other worlds. It strips away our pre-conceptions – about people we presume to be ‘different’. In this series, we are taught a new language: the feisty words of a merry band of friends who call themselves monsters. Their leader is William – a young boy with Cerebral Palsy. Inspired by Muhammad Ali, they stage a revolution. And their gentle show of strength heals the community. This drama shows, that behind a physical difficulty in speaking, there is a wonderful, interesting voice. With sublime performances, a sensitive, honest text, and a beautifully intricate score, this drama floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. The winner of the PRIX EUROPA for the “Best European Radio Fiction Series or Serial of the Year” is Young Beautiful Monsters submitted by ACSR, Belgium.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:


Author: Charles Trahan
Director: Charles Trahan
Sound:Samuel Hirsch, Arnaud Forest
Redaktion: Silvain Gire
Producer: Silvain Gire
Einreicher: ARTE Radio

Prix Europa 2016 „Best European Radio Documentary“:

Prix Europa 2016 Winner Radio Documentary Mikkel Ronnau. Photo: David von Becker

Mikkel Ronnau. Bild: David von Becker.

Nattens Dronning (Königin der Nacht)

Autor: Thomas Smedegaard
Regie: Mikkel Rønnau, Thomas Smedegaard
Sound: Mikkel Rønnau, Thomas Smedegaard
Redaktion: Rasmus Bjerre, Hanne Barslund
Producer: Louise Witt-Hansen
Einreicher: Danish Broadcasting Corporation – DR

Die Begründung der Jury:

Some of the best documentaries are captivating riddles meant to invite us along on journeys with intriguing companions, unexpected twists, and resolutions which are impossible to predict. This masterfully produced programme provokes a listener to examine certain human obsessions by inverting gender roles in a power play of a very musical nature. Along with a glimpse into a world of male musicians, against the backdrop of skilfully mixed classical soundtracks, we have no other choice but to surrender and go along this slightly absurd, but extremely funny and also clever quest.

Lobende Erwähnungen gehen an:

Gówniany Interes (Scheiß Geschäft)

Autor: Agnieszka Czyżewska Jacquemet
Regie: Agnieszka Czyżewska Jacquemet
Sound: Jaroslaw Golofit
Redaktion: Katarzyna Michalak
Einreicher: Polskie Radio S.A. / Radio Lublin

A Dancer Dies Twice

Autor: Eleanor McDowall
Regie: Alan Hall
Sound: Mike Woolley
Redaktion: Tony Phillips
Producer: Eleanor McDowall
Einreicher: Falling Tree Productions

Prix Europa 2016 „Best European Radio Investigation“:

Prix Europa 2016 Winner Radio Investigation Frank Shouldice and Liam O´Brian. Photo: David von Becker

Frank Shouldice and Liam O´Brian, Bild: David von Becker.

The Case That Never Was (Der Fall, der nie existierte)

Autor: Frank Shouldice
Regie: Frank Shouldice, Liam O’Brian
Sound: Frank Shouldice, Liam O’Brien
Redaktion: Liam O’Brien
Producers: Frank Shouldice, Liam O’Brian
Einreicher: Raidió Teilifis Éireann – RTÉ Radio 1

Die Begründung der Jury:

One criterion of a good investigative story is that at least one party involved does not want the story to be told – because he or she has something to hide. That is surely the case in this year’s winner of the Prix Europa. An incredible story, hard to believe yet true. Told in a sober and at the same time humorous way. Very well researched. A David versus Goliath-story in the arena of the European Court. But it appears that David does not even know that he is in the arena. Thanks to the work of the reporter a fraudulent court-case was stopped and European legislation was prevented to be changed on an erroneous base.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

Död i slutet rum (Tod in der Geschlossenen)

Autor: Bo-Göran Bodin, Daniel Velasco
Regie: Bo-Göran Bodin, Daniel Velasco
Sound: Bo-Göran Bodin, Daniel Velasco
Redaktion: Bo-Göran Bodin, Daniel Velasco
Producer: Ylva Lindgren
Einreicher: Sveriges Radio – SR

Prix Europa 2016 „Best European Radio Music Programme“:

Prix Europa 2016 Winner Radio Music Paul Smith. Photo: David von Becker

Paul Smith, Bild: David von Becker.

Philip Glass: Taxi Driver

Autor: Paul Smith
Regie: Paul Smith
Sound: Chris O’Shaughnessy
Redaktion: Tony Philips
Producer: Paul Smith
Einreicher: Just Radio Ltd

 Die Begründung der Jury:

Take a young producer, all fired up to present the music of one of the most celebrated composers of our time in a new light. He is looking for a metaphor that may provide a window into the dense flow of minimalism that everyone can understand. Since the composer, who’s career began modestly in New York City’s gritty environment of the 1970’s, earned a living as a taxi driver, the young producer takes his listeners on a vivid ride through the Big Apple and along the way – through interview excerpts, city sounds and music – he composes an authentic, elegant portrait.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

Bis dass der Klang Euch scheidet – Komponistenpaare im Portrait

Autor: Sabine Fringes
Regie: Helga Mathea
Sound: Gunther Rose, Kiwi Hornung
Redaktion: Tina Klopp
Producer: Tina Klopp
Einreicher: Deutschlandradio

Prix Europa 2016 „Best European Digital Audio“:

Prix Europa 2016 Winner Digital Audio Tim Hinman. Photo: David von Becker

Tim Hinman, Photo: David von Becker.

Ringbinds Attentatet (Der Aktenordner Attentäter)

Autor: Krister Moltzen
Regie: Krister Moltzen, Tim Hinman
Sound: Tim Hinman
Producer: Tim Hinman
Produced by: Politiken / Third Ear
Einreicher: Politiken / Third Ear

 Die Begründung der Jury:

In the first year of this new category, the jury was asked to find the most creative audio presented on digital platforms, and it considered a dizzying array of projects – from podcasts and social media experiments to new platforms for education and translation, and some highly creative work combining sound with music, photography and animation. The winner is a true crime story made as a podcast series a bizarre non-fiction audio thriller investigating the shooting of a computer salesman by a pistol hidden in an ordinary office ringbinder. This project stood out for its great storytelling, beautiful sound design and super-cool artwork, and for the confidence of its delivery across digital, social and print platforms – winning a million downloads in its first year and reaching a new 25 to 45 year old audience for the newspaper.

Eine lobende Erwähnung geht an:

Radio Atlas

Autor: Eleanor McDowall
Regie: Eleanor McDowall
Produced by: Radio Atlas
Einreicher: Radio Atlas

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