Aesthetics & Territoriality

Transnational Radio Encounters

Public seminar day of the Joint Research Project

23.10.2014, Funkhaus Berlin, Nalepastraße, Studio P4


12:30 – 14:30 Introduction:
Aesthetics and Territoriality of Radio

Jacob Kreutzfeldt, Heidi Svømmekjaar: Sounds of Brotherhood in the Radiophonic North
Golo Föllmer et al.: Transnational Standards, National Identities and International Morning Shows

15:00 – 16:30 Dialogue:
Radiophonies of Art, Place and Time

David Hendy: Britishness and Internationalism in Experimental BBC Radio Features –
from Lance Sieveking s Kaleidoscope (1928) to The Kamikaze Ground Staff Reunion Dinner (1980)
Jochen Meißner: On the Permanent Re-invention of the Wheel. Sounds of German Hörspiel.

17:00 – 18:00 Keynote:
Marking Territories in Radio

Katie Moylan: Accented Radio

18:00 Get-together:
Sandwiches & Drinks

20:00 Radio Art:
Formal Radio reloaded

Formal Radio (1999)
by Christian Berner/Frank Schültge

Formal Radio Extra Cheese (2014)
transnational version by Christian Berner/Frank Schültge

Re-Rodia – mini cut-up procedures for automatic radio listener (2014)
by Gívan Béla



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